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Alchemy of Healing Podcast


What does it take to thrive in a world that often feels less than optimal?


Historically, alchemy was the mystical art of turning lead into gold. But today, it's evolved beyond mere material transmutation into something far more precious—the alchemizing of our body, mind, and spirit.

I’m Erica Carroll and my personal odyssey—over three decades navigating a puzzling health decline—ignited my quest for healing. When I began on this road, I thought I knew what healing was and what it required.  

However, my experiences led me on a remarkable, yet far from simple, alchemizing journey … which is still ongoing. 

As a storyteller, coach, and a relentless questioner, I thrive on creating, sharing, and exploring the uncharted. These conversations offer guidance not as an authority  but as a companion, because I believe it’s our shared journey that illuminates the path toward our collective wellness.

Through the 'Alchemy of Healing' podcast, we'll chat with diverse experts, healers, and individuals like you—true custodians of their own well-being. We’ll delve into unfamiliar aspects of self care, explore traditional healing, modern biohacking, and the fusion of ancient wisdom with innovative technologies. 

This is the 'Alchemy of Healing' podcast — and together we’ll make the magic of transformation a reality.

Alchemy of Healing's Substack
Alchemy of Healing Podcast
Welcome to the Alchemy of Healing podcast, I’m your host Erica Carroll.
For over 20 years I worked as an actress and coach in film and tv, until my health forced its way to center stage and demanded I focus on the alchemical process that is healing. Along the way I had to examine preconceived beliefs around how to optimize my body and how to empower myself to find solutions.
I know how lonely, isolating and hopeless chronic illness can feel and the Alchemy of Healing sessions aim to enlighten and inspire new ideas to help you find your unique path to back to wellness.
So, join me while I speak with experts in diverse fields of self care, practitioners, biohackers, healers and folks like you who are the true experts of their own bodies, sharing their personal stories of how they transmuted from surviving to thriving.